New York University School of Law is the home of the founding BLSA chapter, established over forty-five years ago to promote the advancement of Black law students. BLSA organizes social events to welcome incoming students and throughout the year to provide a welcomed break for students. Each interested incoming student is given a BLSA mentor who will answer questions and provide insight and advice on professors, courses, and anything the student may have concerns about. We provide advice on study and exam techniques, co-sponsor interview and resume writing workshops, and make available study guides and other materials. BLSA members at the beginning of each semester give, loan and swap textbooks and various other study materials.
BLSA committees organize and execute programs addressing social justice issues, sponsor lectures by prominent members of the legal community, and conduct and attend various other social and cultural events. While it is the goal of BLSA is to see our members succeed academically, we also stress the importance of forming a tight-knit community.